Source code for imgwrench.commands.resize

"""Resize images to a maximum side length preserving aspect ratio."""

import click
from PIL import Image

[docs]def resize(image, maxsize): """Resize image to maxsize (longer) side length preserving aspect ratio.""" ratio = float(maxsize) / max(image.size) return image.resize( (int(image.size[0] * ratio), int(image.size[1] * ratio)), Image.LANCZOS )
@click.command(name="resize") @click.option( "-m", "--maxsize", type=click.INT, default=1024, show_default=True, help="size of the longer side (width or height) in pixels", ) def cli_resize(maxsize): """Resize images to a maximum side length preserving aspect ratio.""" click.echo("Initializing resize with parameters {}".format(locals())) def _resize(images): for info, image in images: yield info, resize(image, maxsize) return _resize