Source code for imgwrench.commands.frame

"""Put a monocolor frame around images."""

import click
from PIL import Image

from ..param import COLOR

[docs]def frame(image, width, color): """Put a monocolor frame around images.""" frame_pixels = round(width * max(image.size)) new_size = (image.size[0] + 2 * frame_pixels, image.size[1] + 2 * frame_pixels) framed_image ="RGB", new_size, color) framed_image.paste(image, (frame_pixels, frame_pixels)) return framed_image
@click.command(name="frame") @click.option( "-w", "--frame-width", type=click.FLOAT, default=0.025, show_default=True, help="width of the frame as a fraction of the longer " + "image side", ) @click.option( "-c", "--color", type=COLOR, default="white", show_default=True, help="color of the frame as a color name, hex value " + "or in rgb(...) function form", ) def cli_frame(frame_width, color): """Put a monocolor frame around images.""" click.echo("Initializing frame with parameters {}".format(locals())) def _frame(images): for info, image in images: yield info, frame(image, frame_width, color) return _frame