Source code for imgwrench.commands.crop

"""Crop images to the given aspect ratio."""

from math import floor, ceil

import click

from ..param import RATIO

[docs]def crop(image, aspect_ratio): """Crop images to the given aspect ratio.""" width, height = image.size[0], image.size[1] long_side = max(width, height) short_side = min(width, height) actual_ratio = long_side / short_side target_ratio = max(aspect_ratio, 1 / aspect_ratio) # we assume long_side == width and short_side == height # if not, we are going to switch later if target_ratio > actual_ratio: # need to crop short side crop_pixels = round((1 - actual_ratio / target_ratio) * short_side) left = 0 right = long_side upper = floor(crop_pixels / 2) lower = short_side - ceil(crop_pixels / 2) else: # need to crop long side crop_pixels = round((1 - target_ratio / actual_ratio) * long_side) left = floor(crop_pixels / 2) right = long_side - ceil(crop_pixels / 2) upper = 0 lower = short_side if height > width: upper, left = left, upper lower, right = right, lower return image.crop((left, upper, right, lower))
@click.command(name="crop") @click.option( "-a", "--aspect-ratio", type=RATIO, default="3:2", show_default=True, help="aspect ratio to crop to", ) def cli_crop(aspect_ratio): """Crop images to the given aspect ratio.""" click.echo("Initializing crop with parameters {}".format(locals())) def _crop(images): for info, image in images: yield info, crop(image, aspect_ratio) return _crop